Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not a fan of mashed bananas

We bought some bananas for Abby.  We gave her slices and she played with them more than eating them.  Tonight we mashed them up and fed them to her...and you can see her reaction.  These are not the best faces but the only ones we could capture on camera.  Not sure why, but she was not loving the mashed bananas.  Oh well...they smelled good!


  1. Oh no! Sound like Abby might be experiencing texture mania. Bob is a texture freak. He likes the flavor of many things but won't eat them because the texture is gross to him. Hope her "texture mania" is limited to bananas.

  2. Henson was like this with bananas too the first time I didn't puree them. I tried it again later and he doesn't mind the texture as much now. He did the same thing with green beans. Pictures are super cute!
